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The dining hall is ‘cashless’; students have a pre-paid account that is debited when they purchase items.  At the till, the correct account is accessed either by thumbprint recognition or a Personal Identification Number (PIN).  Students must ensure that they have enough credit in their pre-paid account before selecting items to purchase.

Accounts can be pre-paid in three ways:

  • Parents and carers can make debit or credit card payments via their ParentPay account. If you have a ParentPay account you can log into it via the following link:  (link is external).
  • Students can use top up machines located in the dining hall and on the ground floor corridor, which accept cash in the form of coins and notes.
  • Students can post cheques (made payable to Compass Group Ltd and with the student's name and tutor group written on the back) in a secure box next to the top-up machine in the dining hall.  Parents and carers can hand cheques in at reception to be posted into the box on their behalf.  The value of the cheque will be credited to the account before the next break or lunch time and the funds will be available to spend immediately after that.