Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)
Subject: Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)
Hours taught per fortnight (KS5): 9
Mathematics is for everyone. It is an integral part of our daily lives and is essential in equipping students with the skills needed for any future destination. Core Maths was designed to bridge the gap between GCSE and A-Level, incorporating real-life topics such as tax and national insurance calculation alongside statistical diagrams. The study of these topics sits well alongside any A-Levels that include mathematical content.
As a Level 3 course, it is equivalent to an AS level, but with an emphasis on application of maths, and it is looked upon favourably by universities.
The course is split into seven topic areas: analysis of data, personal finance, estimation, critical analysis of data, critical path analysis, expectation, and cost benefit analysis. These areas are assessed across two calculator papers. This course is ideal if you enjoy using maths where you can see how it is applied, rather than doing abstract algebra, or to strengthen your mathematical skills and knowledge for other subjects. It is also perfect for those who enjoy learning real-life maths, seeing where and how it is applied, and the different career paths mathematics can lead you to.
For a summary of the curriculum, please see the document below.