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IT, Business and cOMPUTER sCIENCE

Business Studies

  • Hours taught per fortnight (KS4): 5

Business Studies helps to prepare students for an enterprising future whether this is within their own business venture or as a valuable team member within a wider organisation. The curriculum has been designed to offer an insight into the world of work, providing opportunities to study local, national and international organisations. It enables students to view the world of business from a variety of perspectives – as a customer/consumer, an employee and an owner/member of the management team. We consider this variety of perspectives to be essential in equipping our students with the necessary insight to successfully undertake a number of roles within their chosen field or across a range of industrial sectors.

Business Studies Curriculum Summary

Computer Science  

  • Hours taught per fortnight (KS3): Within the ICT Curriculum

  • Hours taught per fortnight (KS4): 5 hours a fortnight

Learning how computers work gives students an understanding of the digital world around them. This knowledge alongside the ability to design, write and test code will give them the edge when gaining employment in the future. Learning how to code also teaches the skill of problem solving which is required in all areas of employment and adult life.

Computer Science is an exciting subject and our job is to ignite a passion in our learners as well as showing them contextual uses for their new knowledge.

Computer Science Curriculum Summary

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Hours taught per fortnight (KS3): 2
  • Hours taught per fortnight (KS4): 5

Computing skills are a major factor in enabling students to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that students have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. In ICT we are dedicated to ensuring our students’ leave with the necessary skills to fully embrace a future of rapidly advancing computer technology. 

Our world is digital. An understanding of ICT and digital literacy will enable young people to make informed choices in this world. This is important for all our students, not just the graphic designers, games programmers or software engineers of the future.  The digital sector is a major source of employment, with digital skills spanning all industrial areas. Individuals with high levels of digital literacy are sought after and it is our aim to equip our students with the skills and confidence required to capitalise on these opportunities, both for career progression and in order to be an efficient and effective digital user.  

ICT and Computing Curriculum Summary