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The College Day

Students must arrive at college before the first bell has sounded at 8.25 am.   Students must be in tutor rooms by 8.30 am for registration.

Students must move quickly, without unnecessary delay to get to lesson 1, between lessons 1 and 2, and between lessons 3 and 4.  The time between these lessons must not be used for socialising.  

At the end of break and lunch-times the bell sounds firstly to indicate that students must proceed to their next lesson and secondly to indicate the beginning of that teaching period. Students who are not at their classroom at the second bell are considered to be late.

Students who arrive after the first bell at 8.25 am are late to college and will receive a lunch-time detention.  Students will also receive a lunch-time detention if they arrive in College on time but are late to registration and if they are late to a lesson.


8.30 – 8.35 am

Period 0

8.35 - 8.50 am

Period 1

8.50 – 9.50 am

Period 2

9.50 – 10.50 am


10.50 – 11.10 am

Period 3

11.10 – 12.10 pm

Period 4

12.10 – 1.10 pm


1.10 – 1.50 pm

Period 5

1.50 – 2.50 pm