Appeals Information
When the College receives more applications than available places and is oversubscribed, it is inevitable that some families will be disappointed that a place cannot be offered for their child.
The process of school admissions must remain objective in order to be fair and equitable overall. Every school has an Admissions Policy that must be published for a period of consultation before being adopted. These policies must not deviate from legislation set out in the School Admissions Code which is issued under Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (‘SSFA 1998’). The code does not allow schools to choose which children they do or don’t offer places to based upon their conduct, previous attendance record or family background, etc.
It is important to remember that children are not ‘accepted’ or ‘rejected’ by schools when places are allocated; being offered or not being offered a place at a preferred non-selective school is not a personal action towards any individual; places are allocated in a much wider context involving in excess of a thousand children across this local authority area (and beyond) each year.
Some examples:
It is my nearest school
When looking at a case in isolation, it may appear to be illogical that a place at the nearest school to the home address may not be allocated. However, due to the College’s proximity to the coastline, those living to the east of the College will always have further to travel to an alternative school than those living to the west. An admissions policy that did not take into consideration the nature of the geography that applies here would be rejected. For context, from the most easterly point of our designated area to The Spires College (the nearest secondary school) is approximately an hour’s walk, which is twice a long as the walk between The Spires College and the two closest Secondary Schools at 20 – 25 minutes.
It was my first choice / I don’t want my child to go to the school that has been allocated
Parents / carers have the right to submit preferences for the school they wish their children to attend. However, the admission code does not allow schools to prioritise applications based upon the ranking of parental preference and there is no guarantee that a place at any of the preferred schools will be offered, particularly when they are over-subscribed. We understand that this can be disappointing and stressful. Parents and carers should select their preferences taking into account their own situation. For instance, an application to a selective school can only be successful if the child has taken the 11+ test and reached the required score. An application for a place in a popular (non-selective) school from an address that is outside of the school’s designated area is less likely to be successful than one where the address is inside of the school’s designated area. Taking a realistic approach will result in being better prepared if the outcome isn’t as hoped.
Right to Appeal
Applicants have the right of appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome of the application process. The College uses the Torbay Independent Appeals Panel, organised by the Governance Support team at Torbay Council.
Information about Appeals
The panel is completely independent of the College. The College Principal is invited to the hearings to answer questions the panel may have but does not have a say in the decision and is not present when it is taken.
Financial implications
The College is charged for each appeal that is submitted, even if it is subsequently withdrawn and regardless of the outcome. The cost per appeal lodged is £225. If an appeal is withdrawn over two weeks before the appeal hearing date, the cost is reduced to £160. Appeals withdrawn within two weeks of the appeal hearing date are charged at the full amount.
We ask that parents and carers give serious consideration as to whether their situation, within the wider context, should warrant instigation of the appeal process.
More information regarding the appeals process is available Torbay Council’s website:, by contacting Governance Support by email to or by telephone on 01803 207013. The Governance Support team is based at Torquay Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR.