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The transition from primary to secondary school should be an exciting and rewarding event, but we know it can also be daunting for some students and their families. Our aim is to ensure that all students feel happy and confident when they join us in September.   

Our transition programme begins after places have been allocated.   

We believe it is important to get to know each individual student before they join and each summer, before our new Year 7s start, our pastoral team visit every primary school to meet the students and their teachers. We also hold an open evening for parents to get to know their child’s tutor and ask any questions they may have about starting secondary school. 

In the summer term, we invite all the Year 6 students who are due to start with us to attend our transition days. These days are generally held on the first Thursday and Friday in July and are a great opportunity for the students to experience what it is like to attend the College whilst taking part in a range of fun activities. The two days closely mirror that of our normal school day and allow the students to get to know each other and the staff as well as some of the day-to-day routines involved in starting a new school. For example, students will be shown how to find the right classroom, how to use the canteen and will learn about the timings of the day. The two days are also a chance to experience a range of subjects, meeting teachers and finding out about the things they are going to be learning in September. At the end of their two days of transition, students are excited and feel more confident about joining the College.    

For those who need it, we offer enhanced transition. This includes additional afternoon visits to the College to get to know key staff and the layout of the buildings. Our enhanced transition programme will often include additional meetings with parents and key adults to ensure that the young person is as well prepared as possible to have a successful start in September. Enhanced transition programmes are always tailored to the individual needs of each child and the College will work closely with both the primary school and the parents to ensure the programme is appropriate. 

Every summer we also offer a one-week summer school to all those starting in Year 7. The summer school is completely free and is a great opportunity to get to know staff and for students to get to know their peers and make friends.   

For more information about our summer school click here

For more information about admissions click here