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Messages from Prefects

To provide an insight into how our students feel about The Spires College, we asked our prefects to write some messages. 

The Spires College is a supportive and nurturing environment where students can easily access help if they have any academic or pastoral issues. The school has a really inclusive atmosphere and there are lots of opportunities to make new friends through clubs and activities – there really is something for everyone. New students are made to feel welcome and safe in their new environment with help from peers and the staff.

Flo, Year 11 Prefect


The Spires College is an extremely supportive school. The support we all receive from the staff and older students is one of the key aspects as to why the College is such a warm, friendly and positive environment. That positive environment pushes me to be the best I can be and to support new and younger students to ensure their time here is as amazing as mine has been. 

Jasmine, Year 11 Prefect


I have been at The Spires College since Year 7 and I have had an amazing experience. The teachers are great role models and have impacted my life in numerous ways. For example, they have educated me not only academically but in life outside the classroom. Additionally, I have seen first hand that they are passionate about their subjects and caring towards the students. This means they engage pupils within lessons. On top of this, the opportunities that have been presented to myself and others have advanced my experience at this school. Overall, being a student at The Spires College is incredible and has truly changed my life for the better.

Georgia, Year 13 Prefect


The Spires College is welcoming to all. I really like this school because of the inclusive, family-like environment and how everyone is really supportive of each other. I am very proud to be a prefect here as students are treated with respect and create great bonds with teachers.

Mason, Year 11 Prefect


As a sixth form student at The Spires College, there’s an emphasis on independence and being held accountable for your actions. This is beneficial as it helps us to become adults whilst maintaining a support system so that we can achieve our goals. We are offered study periods, which can be used to consolidate learning or as a time to socialise with your peers. This environment allows you to bond with your classmates. If you find anything difficult, there is always someone you can turn to in the sixth form centre.

There’s always something to get involved in at The Spires College whether that's participating in extracurricular activities, taking on leadership roles such as being a prefect, student council member or ambassador, or applying for opportunities such as Exeter Scholars. Being a sixth form student here at The Spires College allows me to challenge myself, improve my relationships with my peers, learn lots about my chosen subjects and prepare for my next steps into adulthood.

Cindy, Year 12 Prefect


The Spires College has a very warm and friendly environment. All the teachers are very supportive and welcoming, and I hope to demonstrate these qualities as a prefect. The support provided by every member of staff is really helpful; they will do everything they can to make sure you feel comfortable, happy and that you have every opportunity to learn and succeed. There are loads of opportunities to take part in clubs or events to help you explore your passions and build new friendships. As a prefect I am supportive of all students and hope to ensure they have the same fantastic experience I have had.

Tiggy, Year 11 Prefect


I applied to be a prefect at The Spires College because it has a great sense of community which I believe is really important when creating a safe environment for children to grow and learn. I also think it’s a really good school because of the range of subjects and extracurricular activities it has on offer. This means it is easy to make new friends who have similar interests.

Hannah, Year 11 Prefect


The Spires College is, simply, a nice place to be. The pastoral support team are really great as they know and care about each individual student. The College has high expectations and strict rules when it comes to behaviour, meaning that students are able to learn in a disruption-free environment. The teachers are encouraging and care about the education of all students. From my experience, the school is a really enjoyable place to learn and, at break and lunchtimes, to spend time with friends. The school feels like a safe place to be.

Ellen, Year 11 Prefect


The Spires College has many kind and professional teachers who are generous with their time. It has plenty of opportunities such as extracurricular clubs and revision programmes to help fuel and nourish our education. Our behaviour system ensures we all have disruption free lessons. We all feel welcome at the College because of the kindness of other students and the staff, all working to make our school as inclusive and safe as possible.

Ashton, Year 11 Prefect


Throughout my sixth form education, The Spires College has definitely provided a unique experience when it comes to the support and teaching. The step-up from learning at a secondary school level is massive but the teachers support students to progress. The shared spaces within our sixth form centre encourage productive collaboration between students in a relaxed environment. The staff are accommodating to whatever questions you might have and are always willing to assist with revision, coursework and more. Throughout Year 13, staff are very helpful with the university application process and offer extracurricular sessions to perfect your personal statement. As a prefect in the sixth form, I am happy to say that I’m proud of the progress I have made during my time here, both academically and socially.

Joe, Year 13 Prefect


I am proud to be a prefect at The Spires College because I think it is a great environment for learning and making friends. It has many lovely students who are ready for learning and who engage in activities beyond the classroom. The students and teachers are all really caring and will offer help when it’s needed. The school is great because there is always someone to turn to when you need something. I am also proud to be a prefect because students know they can talk to us and we are here to help. It is really nice getting to know the teachers and working alongside them when planning events. In lessons the teachers are there to help and, if you need extra support, you only have to ask. I have really enjoyed my time at The Spires College.

Katie, Year 11 Prefect