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Sixth Form Open Evening

Life after GCSEs...  Where can we take you next year?

It is around this time of year that students should be considering their next steps beyond GCSEs. To support students in this we are holding a series of events through which students and parents can explore what post-16 options are available, life in the Sixth Form at The Spires College and the subjects we have on offer. 

On Thursday 17 November, from 6 pm to 8 pm, Year 11 students and their parents/carers are invited to our Sixth Form Open Evening.  This will be an opportunity to speak to departments about the subjects that your child may be interested in studying beyond GCSE level.

Departments will provide information about their subjects at post-16 level and will be available to answer any questions.  I will be giving talks throughout the evening explaining the range of post-16 options, the ethos and culture of the Sixth Form at The Spires College and the application process. 

We will also have representatives from a range of post-18 options including universities and Next Steps South West.  Our careers advisor will also be available throughout the evening.

Further to this a member of the Sixth Form team will meet with every student in our Year 11 to discuss their next steps and provide personalised support.

The deadline for applications for the Sixth Form is Friday 13 January 2023. 

If you have any questions about post-16 plans please do not hesitate to make contact with our sixth form team:



Sixth Form Open Evening Flyer