Revision Resources & Exam Information
Results days
A-Level results day is Thursday 14 August. Results will be available to collect between 9 and 11 am.
GCSE results day is Thursday 21 August. Results will be available between 9 and 11am.
Members of staff will be available to offer advice and guidance regarding suitable Post-16 / 18 courses and pathways.
Anyone wishing to collect results on behalf of a student will need to show ID and a written letter from the student giving consent for that person to collect their results. Unfortunately, we cannot give out students’ results to anyone else, including parents, without this written permission and accompanying identification. Under no circumstances are we able to give results to anyone, including students, over the telephone.
If students are unable to collect their results on the results days, you can provide the Exams Office with a stamped addressed envelope for results to be sent by post.
Each year, the formal exam certificates for results published in August are available to collect in November. Candidates are contacted closer to the time with details of the arrangements for certificate collection.
If you have any questions about exam results, please contact our Examinations Manager, Miss N Evans at
Revision programme
Opportunities to revise and to work on targeted areas with teachers are planned into the calendar throughout the year.
Walking Talking Mocks (WTMs)
These form a key part of exam preparation. Subject staff model solutions to an exam paper in real time, giving students the opportunity to copy their thinking and working, as well as attempting questions themselves. All WTMs are linked to the mock exams that students will sit shortly after and are used in class, too. As such, it is expected that all students attend these sessions. They take place between 3 - 4 pm.
Selected students will be required to attend targeted compulsory intervention for identified subjects on specific days. Students and their parents will be informed if they are required to attend any of these sessions via a text message. These sessions are crucial to closing any knowledge gaps, improving coursework, improving examinations skills as identified in the mock exams or to target specific areas identified by the subject teacher. Intervention takes place 3 – 4 pm.
Learning Café
The learning café is an opportunity for all students to come to a relaxed and productive environment and complete work or revision. This takes place in the Year 11 study centre and adjacent computer rooms. Students must inform their adults at home if they are staying after college in the Learning Café. The Learning Café takes place from 3 - 4 pm.
Suggested Revision Techniques
There are a number of ways students can prepare for examinations. Some methods can be more effective than others. Students are taught a range of study skills and revision techniques in college that are proven to be effective ways to revise. A document summarising some of these techniques is available at the foot of this page.
Revision Timetable
Students are encouraged to create their own revision timetables to create a balance between the demands of examination preparation, every day life and other commitments. There is a printable blank revision timetable at the foot of this page.
After College sessions will take place from February to May:
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Year 11 students have two mock exam series:
- October / November
- January
Exact dates will be published closer to the time.
The mock examinations were full past paper examinations under exam conditions in the usual exam rooms. They are a vital step for students to gain experience of full exams and give teachers invaluable assessment information. Some practical mock exams also took place around these times.
Year 10 Mock Examinations
Year 10 mock exams take place in June. More information is available closer to the time and will be published at the foot of this page.
Exam Dates
When available, the dates for all Year 11 and Year 13 Examinations are published at the foot of this page.
Exam Results
Exam results are released in August:
- A Level and Level 3 results: Thursday 14 August
- GCSE and Level 2 results: Thursday 21 August
More information about arrangements for collecting results will be shared closer to the time.